Frequently Asked Questions
Class actions on behalf of all residents in Canada alleging that certain manufacturers and retailers of Packaged Bread engaged in anticompetitive conduct resulting in overcharges for Packaged Bread sold in Canada from 2001 to 2021 have been authorized by the Quebec Court and certified by the Ontario Court for settlement purposes. The Courts have not yet made any decision on the merits of the claims or defences in either class action.
Packaged Bread means any and all packaged bread products and bread alternatives produced or distributed by any of the current or future defendants to the class actions, including but not limited to bagged bread, buns, rolls, bagels, naan bread, English muffins, wraps, pita and tortillas, but excluding bread frozen when sold and bread baked on-site in the establishment where it is retailed.
A national settlement has been reached to resolve the class action against Loblaw/Weston, subject to approval of the Courts, for $500 million ($96 million of which has already been paid through the Loblaw Card Program) and Loblaw/Weston’s cooperation in prosecuting the class action against the remaining non-settling defendants, in exchange for a full release of all claims in relation to Packaged Bread against Loblaw/Weston and a dismissal of the class actions against them.
The definition of the Loblaw/Weston settlement class for the Ontario class action is: All Persons resident anywhere in Canada except Quebec as of December 31, 2021, other than Excluded Persons (defendants and related parties), who between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2021, inclusive, purchased Packaged Bread, either directly or indirectly that was, produced or distributed by a defendant.
If you reside in the province of Quebec, please click HERE.
If you are a potential member of the Ontario settlement class and you wish to participate in the Loblaw/Weston settlement, you do not need to do anything at this time. You can sign-up here to stay informed about next steps.
Opt Out:
If you are a potential member of the Ontario settlement class and you do not want to participate in the Ontario class action and Loblaw/Weston settlement, you must opt out now. By opting out, you will not be able to participate in the Ontario class action or make a claim for money from the Loblaw/Weston settlement, but you will maintain any right you have to begin or continue your own action against Loblaw/Weston.
The opt out deadline is April 25, 2025. To opt out, you must send a signed written opt out election to the Ontario Settlement Administrator Verita Global so it is received by midnight PST on April 25, 2025, at the latest. The written opt out election must include the information found HERE.
Mail: Ontario Packaged Bread Settlement Administrator
c/o Verita Global
P.O. Box 3355
London, ON N6A 4K3
Email: [email protected]
Object to or comment on the settlement:
If you do not wish to opt out of the Ontario settlement class but you wish to comment on or object to the Loblaw/Weston settlement, you must deliver a written submission to the Ontario Settlement Administrator, so it is received by midnight PST on April 25, 2025, at the latest. The written objection or comment must include the information found HERE.
Mail: Ontario Packaged Bread Settlement Administrator
c/o Verita Global
P.O. Box 3355
London, ON N6A 4K3
Email: [email protected]
The settlement funds will be allocated 78% to the Ontario class action and 22% to the Quebec class action. After deduction of court-approved funder entitlements, administration costs and lawyer’s fees, the net settlement funds will be distributed in accordance with the provisions of the Distribution Protocol approved by the Courts.
Because expert economic evidence indicates most of the overcharge was borne by individuals who purchased Packaged Bread for personal use, the Distribution Protocol allocates the net settlement funds 99.5% to individuals and 0.5% to businesses and other entities who purchased Packaged Bread for resale in the same or a modified form.
Only those settlement class members who purchased Packaged Bread for their personal use will be entitled to claim a share of the net settlement funds in the claims process that will be established following settlement approval.
Because the net settlement funds allocated for businesses and other entities in the Ontario settlement class who purchased Packaged Bread for resale in the same or a modified form will be relatively small amount, those funds will be retained in trust at this time. How those monies will be distributed will be determined by the Courts at a future date.
View the full Distribution Protocol HERE.
An on-line claims process will be established through this website for individuals in the Ontario settlement class who purchased Packaged Bread for their personal use to make a claim for compensation. The $25 benefit previously claimed by some individuals under the Loblaw Card Program will be deducted from any compensation payable to them under the settlement.
It is not possible to accurately estimate the amount of compensation an individual will receive at this time because it will depend on the amount of available net settlement funds and the number of approved claims.